

Outside Hospital Cheque

Now in its 32nd year, the annual Shipping Industry Golf Day is preparing to tee off again this October to raise funds for the oncology research unit at Westmead Children’s Hospital in Sydney.

To date, the charity event, of which Royal Wolf has been a major sponsor for 17 years, has donated $770,985 to cancer research. Last year’s event alone raised almost $40,000 – the second highest result since the tournament’s inception.

For Royal Wolf’s Managing Director, Neil Littlewood, the event holds a special significance having experienced firsthand the life-changing impact a cancer diagnosis can have on a family.

“I think the word cancer is something that goes through every family, and when it does it's just a shock,” Neil says.


Since first becoming involved in the 18-hole charity tournament, Royal Wolf has donated approximately $65,000, and each year contributes a TV as the prize for the “Heads N Tails” game component of the day. The company also assists with the administration and coordination of the event.

“I'm very proud that Royal Wolf has been a part of this event, and continues to be a part of it, because it’s the responsibility of all of us to give back,” Neil says.

“I don’t think there’s anything better than supporting a charity that will improve the health of our children.”


Earlier this year, members of the tournament organising committee visited Westmead Children’s Hospital to present the proceeds from last year’s golf day. While there, they were also given a tour of the facility by senior paediatric oncologist Dr Geoff McCowage.

Neil says Dr McCowage and his team are grateful for the ongoing support from the shipping industry.

“We are just one of many organisations that donate to Westmead, of course, but they are so genuinely thankful for our support, because it's helping the team of researchers at Westmead, who are working on a solution that takes years,” he says.


This year’s Shipping Industry Golf Day is scheduled to take place at Long Reef Golf Club in Collaroy on Friday, October 20.

Neil encourages everyone to get involved, no matter how good a golfer they are.

“You don't need to win this event, because to me you're winning if you're participating,” he says.

“Being able to give back has always been part of who I am and it's part of who Royal Wolf is as well. Every dollar donated adds up, which hopefully leads to more and more people winning that battle against cancer.”

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