

RAS Ticket Booths


Royal Wolf has created slick new ticket booths for the Royal Agricultural Society NSW to place at GIANTS Stadium at Sydney Olympic Park for use at events all year round.

From AFL matches to concerts and the annual Sydney Royal Easter Show, there are a number of events held in the precinct requiring on-site ticket sales.

With existing ticketing booths 10 years old and looking “weathered”, the Royal Agricultural Society NSW approached Royal Wolf to create two new ticketing booths to replace them.

“We wanted a more robust solution that’s able to withstand movement around our site, the impact of weather, and hopefully last longer,” says Laura Jackson, Senior Stadium Manager for Events and Operations at GIANTS Stadium.


As the ticketing booths will be located outside, it is imperative they be weatherproof and secure, with the ability to be relocated when required.

“They needed to be secure without looking like Fort Knox, while also appearing customer-friendly,” says Laura.

“Our ticket boxes are moved around depending on where we need them, so being able to withstand lifting and moving was important.”


As part of the modifications made to two 20-foot general purpose containers to create functioning ticket boxes, six individual windows were installed to serve  six queues on event days.

During the design phase, however, it was discovered that the trays usually found at ticket booths to allow for the exchange of tickets and use of EFTPOS machines were unavailable, so Royal Wolf’s in-house design and engineering team got to work.

“Our team came up with a new design for the windows, which included a removable bench. So when it’s game day, the benches clip in on the outside and when the container isn’t in use, they’re unclipped and stored inside,” says Amy Millard, Royal Wolf Business Development Manager – Modifications.

“The windows slide up instead of across to allow for EFTPOS machines and tickets to be exchanged from staff to patrons attending the game or event.”

In addition, Royal Wolf’s in-house team completed a range of modifications, including:

  • Installation of interior benches/desks
  • Laminate flooring
  • Door
  • Electrical works for general power, data and security cameras
  • Air-conditioning
  • Awnings for sun and inclement weather protection
  • Custom paint work to match the GWS GIANTS’ charcoal team colour


The new ticket booths, which were delivered and placed on-site by Royal Wolf, exceeded Laura’s expectations.

“We had a very long list of dot points that was our dream list for the booths and I thought, ‘There’s no way we’ll get all this, but I’ll see where we land’. In the end we got all of them,” says Laura.

“The Royal Wolf team was fantastic – there was a lot of backwards and forwards as we worked through the design, but they gave us fabulous drawings, we received progress photos throughout, and they were able to customise [the containers] to create exactly what we wanted and how things needed to fit.

“We’ve had many comments from our clients and ticketing providers on how great they are, so we’re very happy with them,” she says.

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